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MARKETING & OUR 2020 CSA Campaign

Claire Strader

Updated: Jan 12

Anticipated outcome: Develop a plan for 2020 CSA marketing materials

Actual outcomes: Identified priorities for what we want to show and marketing materials and how we want to assess the actual content.

We used the Food System Racial Equity Assessment Tool to examine our 2019 CSA Campaign. Our materials seem to work for our traditional audience, but have gaps around the price for shares and what CSA is/means. We need to think more carefully about which new audiences we want to attract (Millenials for instance) and what we need to include in our materials to reach them. Our video ad does show people of color, by chance, not design. Those are the people who came to mind for those roles based on their work, not on their skin color. When we show people in our materials, we do want to show people of color but need to do so in a way that is not tokenizing. Perhaps we could pass our materials by people that we as staff and board do not represent and make changes based on their input. They should be friends of the organization and there has to be something in it for them. This topic relates to our lunch on Community Partnerships.


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